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Learn how to unpack your new bodyfuel mattress.

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Step 1: Position the Box

Place the box in the room where you plan to use the mattress. Choose a spot with enough space for the mattress to expand.

Step 2: Unbox and Unroll

Carefully remove the mattress from the box. Unroll it on your bed frame or foundation, making sure it’s properly aligned.

Step 3: Remove Plastic Wrap

Gently cut and peel away the plastic wrap without damaging the mattress. The mattress will start to expand as soon as the plastic is removed.

Step 4: Allow Expansion

Let the mattress expand fully. This process may take a few hours, so patience is key.

Step 5: Inspect and Enjoy

Once fully expanded, inspect your mattress for any issues. Your mattress is now ready for use. Enjoy your comfortable new bed!

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